Description du produit
AccuPower AccuManager 20, AP2020-1 Super-Universal-fast charger
AccuManager20 Super-chargeur rapide pour 1-4 NiMH / NiCD / RAM (AccuCell) of size Mignon/AA, Micro/AAA, Baby/C, Mono/D and 1-2 pcs 9 Volt/6F22.
Overview of the most important featues:
- fast charging starting from 30min
- for all accu sizes: AAA, AA, C, D, 9V in any combination of sizes at the same
- for NIMH, NiCd, RAM (AccuCell): accus can be charged in any combination of accu chemistry at the same time
- 2 proprietary micro-controllers regulate and monitor the most important accu characteristics during the charging process in all 6 charging channels
- Battery-Maintenance-Système (AXC-intelligence)
- Refreshing function: the memory-effect can be avoided in new accus and overriden in older ones
- The regeneration of accus is conducted automatically without prior discharging
- 6 charging channels with overvoltage and reverse-polarity predection
- Détection des défauts de la batterie
- Protection contre les inversions de polarité et les surcharges
- LED light indicates individually pour all 6 channels the current charging status
- for stationary and mobile use: adapter pour wall outlet (110-220 Volt) and 12 Volt DC automobile electrical supply system included
- worldwide applicable
- D'emploi détaillé
A key feature of the AccuManager fast chargers is the extremly precise measurement of the -dV charging signal (+/- 2,5mV), avoiding practically any heat build-up of the accus.
The AccuManager20 is specially recommended pour demanding professional or domestic uses such as digital cameras, camcorders, mobile communications, etc
Spécifications techniques:
Chargeur pour NiMH, NiCd, RAM (AccuCell) accusChargeur pour AAA (Micro), AA (Mignon),C (Baby), D (Mono)
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Détails sur le produit
- Rang parmi les ventes : #93716 dans Appareil photo & Photographie
- Couleur: bleu
- Marque: AccuPower
- Modèle: AP 2020-1
- Dimensions: 1.58 livres
- Original AccuPower chargeur
- Chargeur pour systèmes: NiMH, NiCd, RAM (AccuCell)
- Chargeur pour: AAA, AA, C, D, 9-Volt
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